Tuesday 31 March 2015

March Wrap Up

It's been a while since I've posted but I've been so busy! My last post was my January Wrap Up and now I'm back with my March Wrap Up!

I didn't bother doing a february wrap up as I only managed to read 2 books. In March I managed to read 4 books which for me is pretty good. It's hard for me to read a lot when I'm so busy with school and there's a lot going on at the minute but I'm happy with having read 4 books, I'm now also 48% through my reading challenge and it's only the start of April!

1. Stardust by Neil Gaiman (5*)
I was really excited to read this as I've watched the film a lot and didn't even realise it was an adaptation of a book! The book is very similar to the film and it was so lovely and magical, I loved it but of I'm honest, I prefer the film. 

2. Anna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (5*)
I've wanted to read this book for ages because I've seen it everywhere and after finishing my christmas books, I borrowed it off a friend and got to read it. I am in love with this book! The story is so cute and I envy Anna's and St. Clair's relationship, they're adorable! I want my own St. Clair. I feel like anyone can enjoy this book, it's so light and easy to read and feels so real.

3. All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven (3*)
It's safe to say I was hugely let down by this book. I desperately wanted to love it like every other person seems to but I really did. I didn't cry once and maybe that makes me a bad person but for me, the writing lacked emotion. It was definitely over hyped and it was compared to "Eleanor And Park meets The Fault In Our Stars", 2 books I disliked, so it was no wonder I didn't like this book.

4. Lola And The Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins (4*)
I enjoyed this book and obviously it was very similar to Anna And The French Kiss.  I didn't like the character Lola as much as I liked Anna (who I loved to be honest). I find that in so many books, the girls are always really pathetic and moany but Anna was never like that and all her reactions were really justified. Lola on the other hand was sometimes annoying. I did like the book but I found it weird how she wore costumes all the time and no one judged her for it which is great but not real life at all and I find it hard to believe she'd be able to pull a 22 year old "rockstar" when she dressed like a kid. I think my favourite parts of the whole book were those with Anna and St. Clair, they're definitely my book OTP.

So that's what I read in March! What did everyone else read? I probably won't be reading much in the coming months as I have exams soon but when they're over I'll have plenty of time to catch up for the months I've missed!

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